Statistics is the most important science in the whole world,
for upon it depends the practical application of every other science.
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910)
Statistical analysis for the development of
therapeutic agents in genetics and epidemiological clinical trials, medical
devices and research.
- Linear and non-linear methods.
Inter-laboratory variability in multi-site and pre-clinical trials.
- Econometric, behavioral, clinical and
bio-statistical mathematical modeling.
- Experimental and survey design.
- Independent statistical validation.
- Drug safety and efficacy.
- Bioanalytical methods- development, optimization and GLP validation.
- Immunogenicity testing of
- Quality control and assurance, GLP
compliance and system validations.
- Manufacturing and regulatory support
Statistical Consulting Also, Immunogenicity testing of biopharmaceuticals. Quality control and assurance, GLP compliance and system validations. Manufacturing and regulatory support |